Peace Palace – With HE Joan E. Donoghue, President of the International Court of Justice; and HE Imani D Aboud, President of the African Court on Human and Peoples’ Rights

Understanding the international legal discourse requires engaging with its leading stakeholders. The International Court of Justice is certainly one those key writers of the history of modern public international law.

Similarly, international human rights law is one of the most important and prominent compartments of public international law.

The interactions between public international law and human rights are so natural that the general principles of law historically crystallised by the former have largely inspired the implementation of the guarantees whose realisation is embodied in the latter.

It would seem further that both areas have increased gotten intertwined. International human rights case-law has been largely inspired by the foundational dictum of public international law, doctrine and case-law. Conversely, the ICJ for instance has increasingly been leaning towards a human rights approach to adjudicating matters that had initially been strictly located within the confine of public international law.

These dynamics feature well into the current debate of judicial dialogue both vertically and horizontally.

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